골든힐 교육청 소식

공지 7~9학년 커리 큘럼

조회수 265



Students experience tremendous change during their junior high years and our program has been developed with these changes in mind. It is during these years, between elementary and high school, that students learn about the stresses life will present. Junior high is a time that we feel good learning and the importance of good study skills are emphasized and need be established so that students are prepared for the increased academic workloads they will encounter in high school and post­-secondary. This is a very important time in which students need individualized attention and guidance and we offer this to them in a safe and friendly environment. 

Core subjects offered: 

  • ·       English Language Arts
  • ·         Science
  • ·         Social Studies
  • ·         Mathematics P
  • ·         Physical Education
  • ·         Health and Personal Life Skills 

Optional and Career and Technology Study (CTS) courses available:

(Please note that CTS and optional/special interest courses are student driven therefore if there is insufficient interest the course will not be available)

Career and technology studies (CTS) and optional courses available: 

  • ·         Agriculture
  • ·         Cosmetology studies
  • ·         Design studies
  • ·         Fashion Studies
  • ·         Financial Management
  • ·         Legal Studies
  • ·         Management and Marketing
  • ·         Tourism Studies
  • ·         Mechanics
  • ·        Second Language Courses
  • ·         Art
  • ·         Drama
  • ·         Music
  • ·         Outdoor Education

These optional courses are designed for students to: 

  • ·         explore career options
  • ·         develop skills that can be applied every day and in the future
  • ·         efficiently use technology
  • ·         prepare for entry into the workforce 

Grades 7-9 

English Language Arts 

Communication is an essential part of everyday life. We need to be able to communicate for personal fulfilment as well as learning. In the English Language Arts course in grades 7, 8, and 9 students begin to understand and appreciate language and use it confidently and competently. They discover how to communicate clearly, comprehend various kinds of text (oral, print and other media texts), manage ideas and information, and explore thoughts and ideas and to also learn to respect and support others. 


The ability to problem solve, reason and justify thinking, connect mathematical ideas to everyday experiences, use estimation practices when appropriate and communicate and reason mathematically are all processes that are taught in the mathematics curriculum. The focus in junior high mathematics is on number concepts and operations, statistics and probability, shape, space, patterns and relations. 


The remarkable world that we live in is full of wonder. Through the science, program students become lifelong learners as they experience and inquire about our world. This program also develops science-related knowledge by exploring the nature and role of science, and by developing the skills and attitudes needed to problem-solve and make decisions. 

The main topics for each grade level are as follows: 

  •         Grade 7 - planet earth, structures and forces, heat and temperature, plants of food and fibre and interactions and ecosystems
  •         Grade 8 - freshwater and saltwater systems mechanical systems, light and optical systems, cells and systems and the mix and flow of matter
  •         Grade 9 - biological diversity, matter and chemical change, environmental chemistry, electrical principals and technologies and space exploration. 

Each topic is intended to prepare students for the high school science courses.

Social Studies 

Our Social Studies courses offer students an insight to economics, geography, history, humanities and the behavioural sciences by taking an in depth look at specific countries such as Brazil, Japan, the former U.S.S.R., the United States and of course Canada. The intention of this program is to help students gain basic knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to become responsible citizens and contributing members of society. 

Physical Education 

With a claim to "healthy, caring schools”, Golden Hills has created a physical education program that enables students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Through a variety of physical activities such as aquatics, dance, games, gymnastics, sports and other outdoor pursuits, students learn about the health benefits associated with regular physical activity. The development of qualities and skills such as teamwork, leadership, fair play, communication, goal setting and safety are further developed through this positive program. 

Health and Life skills 

Health and life skills is a program designed to assist students in making: 

Relationship choices 

Students learn to refine strategies for managing stress/crisis and analyzing skills needed to maintain individuality within a group. 

Wellness choices 

Students develop the knowledge and attitudes to adopt goals that reflect healthy eating and nutritional choices and to promote harm reduction.

Life Learning Choices 

Students learn the skills for setting goals and career path planning, and are exposed to programs related to potential career options.  

Fine and performing arts 

  • ·         Art - drawing, composition and encounters
  • ·         Drama - movement, speech, improvisation/acting, theatre studies, and technical theatre
  • ·         Music - performing, listening and composing. Music is comprised of three individual individual programs: instrumental, choral and general music.·          

The aim of these programs is for students to express their creativity and develop their self-­awareness.

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